
BCMA Westshore

Our Growing Community

Welcome to the BCMA Westshore website. Nestled in the vibrant and diverse Westshore region of British Columbia, Canada, our community is experiencing a dynamic expansion, particularly within the Muslim demographic. The 2021 census reveals a significant growth, with Muslim households steadily increasing across Langford, Colwood, and View Royal. This upward trend highlights an evolving landscape of cultural and spiritual needs.

The Increasing Muslim Population in Westshore

Our Muslim community in Langford has witnessed a remarkable increase in recent years. As our community flourishes, the demand for a facility that caters to our growing numbers and serves as a central hub for religious, educational, and social interactions has become more pressing.

Vision for a Permanent Masjid

To meet this growing need, we are embarking on an ambitious Masjid project. Our vision extends beyond creating a space for worship; it’s about forging a unifying venue for community cohesion, social integration, and cultural identity preservation. This project is a testament to our commitment to the Muslim community in Westshore.

Embracing Diversity and Social Engagement

Our proposed Masjid will be more than a place for prayers. It aims to be a vibrant center for social and educational activities, encompassing community gatherings, educational initiatives, and youth engagement programs. This multifaceted approach is integral to building a cohesive and supportive environment that reflects our community’s values and aspirations.

Our Current Musalla and Future Goals

Presently, our existing musalla, while instrumental, is no longer sufficient to accommodate our community’s diverse activities and services. Therefore, our focus is now on securing a physical location within Westshore for a permanent Masjid. This involves meticulous planning and fundraising efforts aimed at purchasing suitable land or repurposing an existing structure, subject to city council approval.

A Forward-Thinking Approach

Our project team is deeply committed to this cause, ensuring that every step we take is in line with our community’s evolving needs. We are exploring all viable options, from undeveloped land to pre-existing buildings, to create a versatile and cost-effective solution. Our aim is to establish a tangible and enduring presence that underpins our community’s spiritual and social growth.

Join Us in This Endeavor

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our journey towards building the Masjid in Westshore. Your support, whether through donations, volunteerism, or spreading the word, is invaluable in making this vision a reality. Together, we can create a lasting legacy for the Muslim community in the Westshore area.
